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Surround Sound Vol I
Surround Sound Vol I
Surround Sound Vol I
Surround Sound Vol I

Surround Sound Vol I

Regular price $ 15.00
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In July 2019, the high school writers of 826CHI's Teen Press Corps attended Pitchfork Music Festival, where they interviewed artists, watched them perform, and wrote about their experiences. The product is Surround Sound Vol I, a collection of short essays, interviews, and artist profiles that meditate on music and memory.  


In the book's foreword, music journalist Tara Mahadevan writes, “When I read these young people’s stories, I was reminded of the wonder music has always brought me.” These pieces of music journalism will throw you into the heart-jolting mosh pit and shake you awake to the magic of live music. 


From a profile of rapper Ric Wilson to an interview with Tasha to a memoir of the moment when “The Beatles stopped being just music and became that feeling in my stomach,” these pieces sing about the role that music plays in forming young identity. This anthology of music journalism is perfect for the music lover ages 11+ in your life.