Tell them how you really feel.
Based on "Who Wants Love?" by Quinn W., grade 4, which is featured in The 826CHI Compendium, Vol. III. 826CHI
Who Wants Love?
Love is a great thing because it’s made out of hearts
and beauty and prettiness and handsomeness and
awesomeness. And POW!
Loves goes slow. Love is ridiculous. Love is fast
like a pony with a wizard costume on and a green
mustache. Love is sad. Love is crazy. Love is around
the world. Love is a deck of cards. Family Love
is happy and cool—boyfriend and girlfriend
Love is yuck and nasty.
When it comes to love, a man has to have a job,
a good diploma, and has to have an eight-pack.
And he has to cook and has to look handsome.
He probably has to be in his thirties.