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What To Read During Your Quarantine

People all around the world staying home from work, school, and public activities during these uncertain times and, let’s be honest, it can be pretty boring. By now, you have probably finished those projects you have been meaning to get around to, watched that show everyone has been talking about, rearranged everything, and are wondering, now what? To help keep you, your family, roommates, pets, etc. from going stir crazy; here are some recommendations of 826CHI student writing to read during your quarantine. 

Check out our writing gallery for tons of stories by students of all ages.

The Monster Gasped, OMG!

If you have been at home with kids for a while and are running out of activities to do, or maybe need some quiet time, then this collection of monster tales, written by fourth and fifth graders, is just what you need. Whether you want to read them together or alone, these stories will keep you and the kids entertained and surprised for hours. Who knows, maybe these tales will spark the inspiration to write some new stories!

This Is What It Feels Like to Exist

With so many people adjusting their lives and finding new ways to exist in an increasingly isolated world, this collection of stories, memoirs, and poems by high schoolers is a perfect read. This anthology will have you seeing Chicago and the lives of the students who live here in a new light, while also learning to recognize the importance of the small things in life that make you feel alive. 

The Windows Reflect Everything

Let your mind wander even if your body cannot with this collection of long-form narrative journalism on the personal interests of high school students. Learn new things from a different perspective and become captivated by these stories of people’s hopes, dreams, successes, and failures.   

826CHI Compendium Volume 5

If you are looking for something that will keep you entertained for a while then this 200+ page anthology is for you. You can live vicariously through these authors’ experiences while seeing the creative and personal growth of young writers. With original stories, poetry, personal essays, and narrative journalism by students ages six to eighteen, there is something for everyone here.

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