Flummoxed over what to get your secret admirer or admiree? At the Wicker Park Secret Agent Supply, you'll find dozens of gifts and gadgets as one-of-a-kind as your relationship. Here are five of our favorites.
1. Love is Yuck & Nasty Blank Card // $3.99

2. You Complete Me With Love Puzzle // $14.99
This romantic miniature puzzle is actually a card in disguise. Solve the puzzle, write a love note on the back, break up the puzzle, and put your secret admirer to the test to put your heart back together.
3. Key Pencil Sharpener // $4.99

4. Love Letter Crew Socks // $9.99

5. P.S. You Sound Like Someone I Can Trust // $20
"All of these gifts are fine and good," you squeal, "but how can I even begin to express the profundity of my feelings in a form trite as a love letter?!" The students of Amundsen High School and Zapata Middle School have your back. Our 2017 826CHI Young Authors Book Project, P.S. You Sound Like Someone I Can Trust features correspondences between young writers across the city and prompts to help you open up on the page.
All this and more can help you show how much you adore the secret agent who stole your heart. Best of luck on Mission: True Love, agents! We're rooting for you.
Becky Robison is a Secret Agent Supply volunteer and fiction writer. A graduate of UNLV's Creative Writing MFA program, her stories have appeared in [PANK], Paper Darts, Midwestern Gothic, and elsewhere. When she's not working her corporate job or walking her dog, she serves as Social Media and Marketing Coordinator for Split Lip Magazine. She is represented by Zoe Sandler at ICM. Find out more about Becky here.
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